Monday 10 June 2013


Month’s Focus: Practising for perfection
Field trip/ Project work/ Special Activity
M.C.B: Ls-2:Stone soup
Ls-3:Journey to the moon
W.B: Ls-2:Stone soup
Ls-3:Journey to the moon
Lit:: You and I (Poem)
Ls-3:William tell and his great shot

·               Observation of moon
Ch 3:  Multiplication
Ch 4: Division
Ch 5: Factors and Multiples

·               Multiplication grid
·               Dice game
·               Factors trees
·               Visualizing prime and composite number using grid paper
Social Studies
Ls-3: Major land forms
Ls-4: Natural resources
Ls-5: Weather and climate
Ls-10: E for environment
·      Preparation of a solar cooker
·      Preparing whether forecast for a month

*Investigation of plants  growth
*Lifecycle of flowering plant
·               Dissection of flower
·               Activity to show that plants requires sunlight
II Lang
Hindi: Shardar bhagat singh ki ahinsha ki jyoti
·         Paste picture of freedom fighter
Telugu:  Ls-3: Shivaji
Ls-4: Bhadrachalum
Ls-5: devaniryan
Ls-6: Sagar yatra darshini
·         Paste picture of Shivaji and write a few lines
·         Paste picture of Sagar and write a few lines
French: Ls-1:Saluer, demandé, identité
Ls-2: Demander I’ identité d un Object
Ls-3: Ecrire une lettre a un ami français
·            Listening and speaking skills; skit on greeting in French
·            Writing skills: identify the names of the object with articles
III Lang
Hindi: Wanjan
         Bin matra aur matra Wale shabd
·            Words with picture
·            Bin matra aur mata wale shabd par karya patra dijiye

Telugu: Varnamala
·            Identification of letters
·            Paste the picture and identify the beginning letter of the picture
French: Les nombres
·            Asking  the children to carry out the number of action; clapping , nodding, leg tapping
Creative Writing skills/English language/ Enhancement skills
·      Write a  few lines about William tell
Computer Science
Ls-2: Software and its type
Ls-3 Windows 7
·         Documentation on software and its type
·         1. Creating files and folders, organizing files
·         2. Customizing the desktop
Art and Craft
1.       Fruit basket drawing
2.       Origami
General Knowledge
Pg: 14 to 30

Songs: 1. I got peace like a river
2.The sun comes up with a great smile
3.Ekta swatantrata

·         Football- dribbling
·         Physical fitness
·         Skill assessment circuit
·         Basketball – ball handling and dribbling
Tying a shoelace
Table manners

Events                                                                       Competition
12/6/13 – Guest Lecture (I – V)                                                            21/6/13 – Coloring Competition (I- V)
14/6/13 – House meeting (I- V)                                                           28/6/13 – One Minute Game (I –V)
11/ 7/ 13 – World Population Day (Assembly presentation)       12/7/13 - English Poem Recitation (I – V)
 15/7/13 – 19/7/13 – USSR                                                                 27/7/13- Mother and child competition (I – X)                                                                  
19/7/13 – Field Trip (I- V)      
21/6/13 – World Music Day (Assembly  Presentation) 
26/7/13- Kargil Victory Day (Assembly Presentation)             
26/7/13-  Van  Mahostav ( Nur – X)                                                                   
22/6/13 - Koffee with parents (Nur – X)
12/7/13 – 19/7/13 – Unit test - I

20/7/13 – PTM + Book Fair