Monday 16 July 2012

Theme - Rajasthan - The Land of Rajas


Class VA was on duty from 9th July 2012 to 12th July 2012. Theme given was- Rajasthan.
1stday: Students presented the theme by giving an introduction of the state. The capital city and other important cities were introduced along with the neighbouring states. Students were dressed up to represent each state.
2nd day: Students presented the information on how Rajasthan was turned into a dry land in the form of an act from Ramayana. Another act followed which showed separation of Sutlej and Yamuna river that flowed to river bed of GhaggarHakra.
3rd day: Famous personalities of Rajasthan were presented by students, who dressed up accordingly and enacted the roles.
4th day: Power-point presentation on culture and tourism of Rajasthan.
Throughout the thematic assembly enthusiasm, commitment and cooperation was observed amongst the students. And the most important confidence level of all the students was remarkably higher till the end of the show.